
What is so special about our mantao?

Actually nothing special
Just that we are using 'FRESH FRESH FRESH & NATURAL INGREDIENTS' for the colours.
Just for your info the natural colour we are using not those natural powder that sold from ingredients shop.
We uses pumpkin puree, purple sweet potato puree, homegrown pandan juice, homegrown blue pea flower, wholemeal, red dragonfruit puree, self grind black sesame & local farmer cocoa powder. 

NO DAIRY in our mantaos
✔️ FRESH natural ingredients

How to prepare?
1. Take out the mantao from the freezer.
2. Defrost the mantao about 15 mins room temperature or chiller overnight.
3. Boil a pot of water.
4. Steam the mantaos for 5 to 6 mins.
5. Ready to serve

Mini Mantao
Lollipop Mantao
Shell Mantao / Gua Bao
Flower Twist Mantao / Hua Juan

Mantao / Steamed Bun

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